Donoghue (DON)
Grades PreK-5
707 E 37th Street
Chicago IL 60653
Phone: 773-285-5301
Fax: 773-268-2088
School Day: 8:00am – 3:30pm MTThF, 1:00pm W
Campus Leadership:
Shamilya Woods
Campus Director
Asha Bonaparte
Assistant Director

Curriculum & Approach
Donoghue’s academic approach is distinguished by:
- A whole child approach that focuses on teaching the values of self-control, teamwork, integrity, commitment, and kindness
- A school culture of high academic achievement featuring rigorous instruction and a curriculum based on research and best practices
- Committed and skilled educators, including National Board Certified Teachers who guide and inspire students to excel
- An emphasis on teaching students to become independent readers by grade three, and using whole group, small group, and individualized instruction
- A focus on high-order thinking in mathematics
- Expert use of literacy and mathematics assessments to measure students’ progress and tailor instruction and supports to each student’s academic needs
- Technology infused classrooms with desktop or laptop computer or iPad access for every student
- A full-day pre-kindergarten program that offers developmentally appropriate instruction in reading, science, mathematics, art, music, and dance
- A science laboratory where students conduct experiments to test their hypotheses about the physical and biological worlds
- Instruction in dance, drumming, painting, and music offered by professional artists
- Increased instructional time through a school day that begins at 7:00 a.m. and ends at 6:00 p.m., Saturday classes, and a full-day summer school
About Donoghue
The UChicago Charter School’s Donoghue Campus is named after George T. Donoghue, a civil engineer and the first general superintendent of the Chicago Park District. Under his leadership, the Park District launched community programs and opened facilities and field houses in neighborhoods across the city. Mr. Donoghue was also one of the original organizers of the Bud Billiken Parade, the oldest and largest annual African American parade in the country.